I grew up where cotton was king and attended a small country school where art was not taught. In college I chose not to take art classes, so at 83 years old, I am a beginner. The resident art teachers at Highland Springs take those of us “who can’t draw a straight line” and teach us that we can.
My career was mainly in the Plano ISD where I was a teacher, counselor, principal, coordinator, and director. After retirement in 1991, I became very involved in the Texas Retired Teachers Association where I served as chairman of the leadership committee for four years. I was on the Board for six and on committees for another nine. Also after retirement, I served as president of Delta Kappa Gamma, Alpha Delta Kappa, Plano Retired Teachers Association, and Parker Women’s Club.
I am a widow and my children are grown with children of their own. The move to Highland Springs has given me the opportunity to keep on learning and I especially like the art classes, Zen tangles, watercolor and pencil drawing.
Norma Hill